
Digital technologies are radically changing our lives. We reflect on the use and abuse of technology.


After the Deluge

José Luis de Vicente

The last decade has seen some fundamental truths take root regarding the status of information as a raw material and its role in the world.


The Weight of the Cloud

José Luis de Vicente

In recent years a series of data centres have abandoned anonymity to become new monuments of the information age.


The Geopolitics of the Internet

Marcus Hurst

The laying of the cables that make the Internet a global network raise geopolitical issues similar to those that are at stake in the case of oil pipelines.


_Big Bang Data

José Luis de Vicente

_BIG BANG DATA is an exhibition about the ‘datafication’ of the world curated by José Luis de Vicente and Olga Subirós with ZZZINC activities management.


The Digital Black Hole (DBH)

Luis Ángel Fernández Hermana

It is estimated that around four fifths of the information and knowledge generated on the Internet since its creation has disappeared.