The ISSS and Mars Exploration Research in the Southeast Asian Context
Venzha Christ
An alternative viewpoint on science and space exploration in equatorial and tropical island nations.
Critical Physics
Ignasi Torrent
An invitation to review the relationship between scientific progress and intentionally dispossessive political, economic and social projects.
Universes Hidden In Broad Daylight
Ignasi Torrent | Àlex Gómez-Marín
The growing popularity of virtual reality, and the metaverse in particular, invites us to critically rethink the vague contours of what we call reality.
When The Brain Sleeps
Marta Consuegra
Advances in neuroscience have improved our understanding of sleep and its importance for physical and mental functioning.
Anil Seth: “Reality is a controlled hallucination”
Sònia Hernández
A conversation with the neuroscientist about the nature of consciousness, how it can be studied and the implications of understanding it.
What if Your Mood Depends on the Bacteria in Your Gut?
Cristina Sáez
The gut microbiota plays a key role in this continuous dialogue between the gut and the brain.
The space of possible minds
Philip Ball
If our experience is limited to our own bodies, how can we think about non-human minds?
The Mysteries of the Mind
We delve into the secrets of the human brain and those of other minds: artificial, animal and collective intelligences.
What insects think about
Javier A. Canteros
Have we been dismissive in our reckoning of insect intelligence? Studies of their cognitive abilities reveal a surprising mind.
Are Viruses Alive?
Roc Jiménez de Cisneros | Serafín Álvarez
A conversation between two artists to explore the limits of language and the taxonomies of life.
The cosmos on a dust particle
César Reyes Nájera | Ethel Baraona Pohl
Most of everything that makes up the universe is unknown to us. Can we speculate about what human perception of dark matter would be like?