
Ancestral Future

Bernardo Gutiérrez

Brazil’s indigenous peoples are shaking off Western ideas of the future to preserve and create worlds in the present.


The Internet Regime

Carlos Delclós

The internet functions as a global structure of governance and control that influences politics, culture, the economy and spatial organisation.

Artificial Intelligence

We explore the dilemmas of Artificial Intelligence, which involves the development of algorithms that enable a machine to take intelligent decisions.


The Singularity

José Ignacio Latorre

Computation’s possibility for self-learning is leading us towards a point of technological singularity where an artificial intelligence, capable of self-improvement, will surpass the limits of human intelligence.


The Bad Pupil


Through artistic practice, the Taller Estampa reflects on the discourse around artificial intelligence.


The Book to Come

Javier Celaya

Artificial intelligence, big data, and virtual reality are set to change the book world over the next ten years.


Algorithmic Injustice

David Casacuberta

In light of the increasing use of algorithms to automate decisions, we do not just want them to produce results that are correct. They must also be fair.