Could a Forest Be the Subject of Rights?
Maria Ptqk
The idea of conferring legal personhood on ecosystems offers the possibility of justice in a world no longer dominated by human omnipotence.
The Present of Queer Pasts
Enrique Moral de Eusebio
Queer archaeologies seek to question and subvert the discipline’s normative discourses.
Ancestral Future
Bernardo Gutiérrez
Brazil’s indigenous peoples are shaking off Western ideas of the future to preserve and create worlds in the present.
Language and Reality
Berta Gómez Santo Tomás
Words not only explain and order the material dimension of reality, they also construct the world.
The Internet Regime
Carlos Delclós
The internet functions as a global structure of governance and control that influences politics, culture, the economy and spatial organisation.
A Piece of Land: The Beginnings and The End
Júlia Viejobueno Cavallé
A look at the future of the rural class and the difficulties involved in sustaining a way of life and of understanding the world.
Gaseous Politics
Carlos A. Scolari
Politics tends to be increasingly constructed through social media and other environments where snack culture is generated, circulated and consumed.
Soundscapes of the Northwest Amazon: Rhythms, Land and Culture in Pará
Natalia Figueredo
A journey through the evolution of the different musical styles present in Amazonia and their connection with the land.
Fahrenheit 212. The Gaseous Society
Carlos A. Scolari
The metaphor of gas is the one which best represents today’s society, a constantly shifting environment with millions of colliding molecules.
The Altars of the Earth
Juan Insua
We need to rethink and reinvent our connection with the planet and reconcile it with our scientific knowledge.
The Digital Mirror. Varda Through Fontcuberta
Ferran Esteve
The work of Agnès Varda and Joan Fontcuberta experiment with and reflect on the emergence of the digital image.