Yuk Hui: “We are living in a gigantic technological system”
Victor G. García Castañeda
The Hongkongese philosopher advises deepening our technological imagination outside the confines of the capitalist hegemony and colonialism.
The Home of All of US
Juan Insua
We take a look at the different meanings of the word “home” and the considerations they open up about our present and our future.
The Other AI Revolutions: Synopsis and Conclusions
Jorge Carrión
We review a series of conversations about the AI revolution and its impacts on thought, society and culture.
Nothing Without Us: Anti-Ableist Cultural Practices Now!
MELT (Ren Loren Britton & Iz Paehr)
The arts-design duo MELT is working on projects and practices that build towards worlds not structured by ableism.
Becoming a Web Series
Ofèlia Carbonell
We have gone from showing our offline lives on the Internet, to living in accordance with our online personas.
On Knowing Matter
Tim Cowlishaw
A speculative cartography of the material ecology of Artificial Intelligence.
Reflex Actions. Generative AI Tools and the Archive
When we train an AI with the dataset created from an archive, new questions and ways to analyse its content emerge.
Critical Physics
Ignasi Torrent
An invitation to review the relationship between scientific progress and intentionally dispossessive political, economic and social projects.
N. Katherine Hayles: “We need a more comprehensive view of cognition”
Toni Navarro
The American professor talks to us about posthumanism, AI and the relationship between science and the humanities.
Maria Climent Huguet
A Christmas story, a journey back to the roots and to the family, a regression in the midst of the absurdity of everyday life...
Fail again. Fail epic
Valentina Tanni
Digital culture is reappropriating error and failure and using it as a critique of the prevailing aesthetic canons.