Scott Smith: “Barcelona is a good place for innovation”
What does innovation mean? How should we address climate change? What is the future of the internet? Interview with technology consultant, Scott Smith.
Internet Universe Educational Briefcase 2015/16
The Internet Universe Educational Briefcase is designed to take knowledge and reflections about the impact of the Internet on our lives into the classroom.
Pantalles CCCB. Are you public?
The program includes reflections relations between cultural institutions and audience.
Interview with the winners of the 2015-2015 Cultural Innovation International Prize
The authors of CulTime and Esdevenir Públic give us details about their proposal.
2014-2015 Cultural Innovation International Prize
Videos of the dialogues with the Jury of the Cultural Innovation International Prize, in the activities "Are you public?" in the award ceremony.
Soy Cámara. New Publics
Chapter dedicated to the evolution of the concept “audience”, with the accent on what has been called “new audiences”.
III Data Journalism and Open Data Conference
Videos from the Data Journalism and Open Data Conference lectures hold at CCCB on June 5th 2015.
The Evolution of the Concept of Audience (V)
The jury of the 2014-2015 Cultural Innovation International Prize talk about the evolution of the audiences.
Cory Doctorow: “Every euro that we spend spying on our kids is a euro we don’t spend on books”
We took the opportunity to interview Cory Doctorow who was here to launch his graphic novel In Real Life as part of the Kosmopolis ongoing programme.
Bookcamp 2015. The limits of books
Bookcamp 4 looks at the limits and possibilities of the book format from different viewpoints.
The Evolution of the Concept of Audience (IV)
Different experts talk about the audiences that tend to be ignored or overlooked, and try to imagine or predict how audience/s will evolve in the coming years.