The Internet Regime
Carlos Delclós
The internet functions as a global structure of governance and control that influences politics, culture, the economy and spatial organisation.
The Digital Mirror. Varda Through Fontcuberta
Ferran Esteve
The work of Agnès Varda and Joan Fontcuberta experiment with and reflect on the emergence of the digital image.
The Museum of Human Things
Javier Pantoja
Speculations on strong AI and the musealisation of everything human.
A Utopia Surrounded by Rubbish
José Heinz
The big corporations have taken over the Internet and, in their constant search for profit, have degraded its use.
How to Survive on TikTok
José Heinz
The social media platform for video shorts is transforming the cultural industries, with impacts on creators, audiences and critics alike.
Watch Out for the Doorman. Technology and Neighbourhood Surveillance
Ferran Esteve
The trends in new digital surveillance tools in the current culture of security and control.
Reclaiming the internet
Marta G. Franco
A run through the history of the internet, its potentials and downfalls, with an eye on the new paths to be carved out.
Digital Gentrification
José Heinz
Content platform algorithms reward lowest-common-denominator material and narrow the space for experimentation.
Yuk Hui: “We are living in a gigantic technological system”
Victor G. García Castañeda
The Hongkongese philosopher advises deepening our technological imagination outside the confines of the capitalist hegemony and colonialism.
The Other AI Revolutions: Synopsis and Conclusions
Jorge Carrión
We review a series of conversations about the AI revolution and its impacts on thought, society and culture.
Becoming a Web Series
Ofèlia Carbonell
We have gone from showing our offline lives on the Internet, to living in accordance with our online personas.
On Knowing Matter
Tim Cowlishaw
A speculative cartography of the material ecology of Artificial Intelligence.