
We look for new ways of working and collaborating online: from virtual communities to new activisms.


Towards a Data Commons

Enric Senabre | Mayo Fuster Morell

Implications for the whole of society of the data policies of collaborative economy platforms.


Two Self-Managed Grecs

Joan Carbonell

What can we learn from the first two editions of the Grec, a self-managed, egalitarian and ground-breaking festival at the height of political and cultural upheaval?


Augmented Democracy

Cristina Sáez

In the future, we will be able to automate some of the tasks of government, and have tools that allow us to empower citizens and promote their participation.


I Am Not Your Periphery

Karo Moret

The identities of the African diaspora and how in Europe, relations with otherness continue to be built under the social categories of race and gender.


Next Stop: City Station

Núria Jar

The exhibition “After the End of the World” spreads out over the city of Barcelona through diverse citizen science actions that aim to improve the city’s environmental health.


Memes and Strange Politics

Jaron Rowan

Emerging from the tension between the political and politics is a form of aesthetic expression that renews the debate in the public sphere.



The New Reactionaries

Jorge Galindo

The traditional dominant majority is perceiving that a cultural hegemony is playing against them, despite the fact that the statistics do not agree with them.


Institutions of the Future

Charles Beckett

The internet allows public institutions to become more transparent and porous, but the transformation has only just begun.