
We bring together different voices that are searching for new ways of conceiving of humanity and its relation with the ecosystems of which it forms part, taking into account the complexity and richness of plant and animal intelligences, and of artificial intelligence.


De-centred Humanity I

Elisabet Roselló

On the need for considering new world visions geared towards a resilience and a more adequate position at this planetary time.


De-centred Humanity II

Elisabet Roselló

Theories such as actor-network theory, flat or object-oriented ontologies and hyperobjects, question the central role of human beings in the conception of the classic natural order.


Our Monsters

Roc Jiménez de Cisneros

New materials, which have emerged because of human activity, may force us to rethink the distinction between the natural and the artificial.


Minister of the Future

Timothy Morton

Timothy Morton represents the heirs of the planet, human and non-human, whose existence will be determined by what we do and how we think from now on.


A more human posthumanism?

Marc Mela

We are immersed in scientific and technological transformations that are affecting the human condition itself. What is the meaning of tendencies such as posthumanism? How should we think about this “afterness”?


World Siliconization

Éric Sadin

The irresistible expansion of digital liberalism points towards regulating, for the sole purpose of benefit, the course of life through algorithms.


The 4.0 Revolution and its Tunes

Ramon Sangüesa

As in the previous pointzero revolutions, the story of efficiency and economic growth coexists with the possibility of an alternative narrative that situates the community at the centre.


The Bad Pupil


Through artistic practice, the Taller Estampa reflects on the discourse around artificial intelligence.


The Singularity

José Ignacio Latorre

Computation’s possibility for self-learning is leading us towards a point of technological singularity where an artificial intelligence, capable of self-improvement, will surpass the limits of human intelligence.