Challenges of Privacy
What is the place of privacy within a technophile context? What value does the right to be forgotten have? How can the legal framework, technological innovation and social responsibility be reconciled? We are facing a debate where the limits between privacy, anonymity, vigilance and control are indefinite.
Freedom and Privacy on the Net
Marilín Gonzalo
The exponential growth and control of data is under debate, between the private interests of companies and the rights of users.
“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”
Who Saved the Web?
Solana Larsen
Entendre Internet com a bé comú, implica garantir al ciutadans el dret a la lliure expressió, a la privacitat i a l'accés.
Privacy and Innovation: an Impossible Equation?
Gemma Galdon
Respecting the legal framework and the needs and desires of citizens and consumers is a basic prerequisite for the success of any new product or initiative.
Anonymise Yourself Electronic Self-Defence Handbook
A set of recommendations, tools, and practices to preserve privacy in the post-Snowden world.
Tips for Teaching Online Privacy
Liliana Arroyo
Accompaniment, using the internet as a family, and dialogue are necessary strategies to teach children how to manage their online identity.
Mass Surveillance in Latin America
Alan Lazalde
What is the situation like in Latin America in regards to mass surveillance?
About teens, Internet and Privacy: The Challenges of Identity in the Digital Era
Liliana Arroyo
Why privacy is an important issue for young people who experiment with Internet and social media.