

Iconographies of the Pandemic

Ivan Pintor Iranzo

We review the visual symptoms of the pandemic, its representation by individuals, politicians, media and the entertainment sector, and the dilemma posed by combining these with the personalised tracking of the population.


The Year of the Spectre

Max Besora

A confined writer keeps himself entertained by rearranging his private library and seeking refuge in books as windows to other worlds.


Where games live

Hugo Muñoz Gris | Lucas Ramada Prieto

If play gives us the world and through play we make the world ours, we are offering you a series of tips and videogames to make this possible.


De-centred Humanity II

Elisabet Roselló

Theories such as actor-network theory, flat or object-oriented ontologies and hyperobjects, question the central role of human beings in the conception of the classic natural order.


Ideas to resist

Víctor Recort | Berta Gómez Santo Tomás | Albert Lloreta | João França | Joana Moll | Tania Adam | Lucas Ramada Prieto | Toni Navarro | Míriam Hatibi

Some inspiration to lift our mood during the days of confinement we’re experiencing in certain parts of the world.


De-centred Humanity I

Elisabet Roselló

On the need for considering new world visions geared towards a resilience and a more adequate position at this planetary time.


The I in the Internet

Jia Tolentino

The Internet has gone from being a utopia where everything was possible to a place full of angry people obsessed with their own representation


The Women Men Don’t See

Ricard Ruiz Garzón

Among the authors who most helped to renew science fiction in the 20th century was James Tiptree Jr.: the pseudonym of a woman, like those who today are leading the revolution of the genre.