

What Gender Owes to Grammar

Yannick Chevalier | Christine Planté

Linguistic analysis and the study of language use is thus a necessary step in understanding how the social organisation of sex relations is perpetuated.


Drawn Nonfiction: an Overview

Jorge Carrión

Reflection is a linguistic and an imagined process, we talk about illustrated essays, cartoon journalism, visual journalism, sketching, and visual thinking



Sharing Economy

Sharing economy is often used to describe economic and social activity involving online transactions. Originally growing out of the open-source community.


Is Lab All There Is?

Ramon Sangüesa

The “lab” concept has been a great success. It had the good fortune to be appropriated by all kinds of actors: public, semi-public, private, and any combination.


Ramon Llull and Network Thinking

Anna Punsoda

What is the Arts Magna? What was the reach of Ramon Llull’s logical-conceptual system? What language did it speak? What world could be created on that basis?


Who Saved the Web?

Solana Larsen

Entendre Internet com a bé comú, implica garantir al ciutadans el dret a la lliure expressió, a la privacitat i a l'accés.


Climate, Culture, Change

Laura de Bonis

The fight against climate change is almost certainly the most significant global challenge for the 21st century. What role should the culture play?