

Institutions of the Future

Charles Beckett

The internet allows public institutions to become more transparent and porous, but the transformation has only just begun.


The Book to Come

Javier Celaya

Artificial intelligence, big data, and virtual reality are set to change the book world over the next ten years.


Playing with Reality

Morrosko Vila-San-Juan

Virtual reality and 360-degree video provide immersive experiences that are particularly suited to documentary and news reports.


The Emergence of the Voice

Jorge Carrión

In a world of communications where writing and audiovisual formats prevail, the voice and sound are making their way into the foreground.


Geek Minds

Jose Valenzuela Ruiz

We try to understand the secrets of the geek mind through neuroscience. Why are geeks so passionate about narrative universes?


In Praise of Brevity

Violeta Blasco | Marcos Prior

An exploration of audiovisual micro-narratives used in the cultural field with a duration three minutes and under.