The Writing and Reading of 21st Century Books
Mariana Eguaras
New forms of content creation and consumption are forcing the publishing industry to redefine its production and distribution model.
The Book to Come
Javier Celaya
Artificial intelligence, big data, and virtual reality are set to change the book world over the next ten years.
It’s Not Just an Economic Cycle, It’s a Change of Era
Javier Celaya
Print book sales have dropped 40%. Do we really think that when we finally emerge from this damn crisis readers will go out and buy print books again?
Challenges and Opportunities for the Publishing Industry
Martín Gómez
The publishing industry is generating heated debate around the reconfiguration of the sector. It has become necessary to reflect together this evolution.
Expanding books and Post-Digital Print
Alessandro Ludovico
In the post-digital era, print can be culturally subversive, particularly when its unchangeability is strategically used instead of rejected as obsolete.