The Obsolescence of Interfaces
Carlos A. Scolari
COVID-19 has highlighted the need to redesign current interfaces to tackle an increasingly complex and uncertain world.
Learning and Teaching with Digital Technologies
Júlia Coromina
When integrating ITCs into the classroom it is important to evaluate to what degree it enriches the relationship established between students, tasks and contents, and teacher.
The Contribution of the Montessori Method to an Uncertain World
Francesc Balagué
We talk with Ève Herrmann about the resurgence of Montessori education and what this may contribute to digital literacy and other challenges in education.
Digital Education is not Just Training in Digital Literacy
Carlos Magro Mazo
Technologies offer the opportunity of transiting from educational models based on transmission towards models based on active learning.
Neuroeducation and War Video Games
Eduardo Salvador Acevedo
We need awareness and education in critical consumption, as promotors of culture of peace, human values and nonviolence.
Educating in the Digital World
How can we prepare the younger ones? We explore how the new models of teaching and learning in the digital era are taking shape.
Who Saved the Web?
Solana Larsen
Entendre Internet com a bé comú, implica garantir al ciutadans el dret a la lliure expressió, a la privacitat i a l'accés.
Tips for Teaching Online Privacy
Liliana Arroyo
Accompaniment, using the internet as a family, and dialogue are necessary strategies to teach children how to manage their online identity.
Internet Universe Educational Briefcase 2015/16
The Internet Universe Educational Briefcase is designed to take knowledge and reflections about the impact of the Internet on our lives into the classroom.
Digital Natives: From the Myth to the Reality
Ferran Adell
Today’s students have been in contact with technologies since their early childhood; they are what are known as digital natives.
About teens, Internet and Privacy: The Challenges of Identity in the Digital Era
Liliana Arroyo
Why privacy is an important issue for young people who experiment with Internet and social media.
A school system for everyone
Jaume Funes
The need to change the school system has been on the cards for some time: schools do not teach students how to function in today's world.