

An Insolent “Demos”

Ekhi L. de la Granja

We review one of the founding myths of Athenian democracy, the Solon reforms, to reflect on the meaning of equality and the values of contemporary democracy.


Fake news and censorship in Africa

Carlos Bajo

We analyse the particularities of the fake news phenomenon in the African continent: from its instrumentalization by governments to the mobilisation of citizens in favour of an Internet free of censorship and hate speech.


The Bad Pupil


Through artistic practice, the Taller Estampa reflects on the discourse around artificial intelligence.


Presenting evidence in public

Franc Camps-Febrer

We look at the cases of Bellingcat and Forensic Architectures, two approaches to digital culture that attempt to rescue critical thinking through the use of open-source tools from the attention economy.


Android Love

Núria Gómez Gabriel

We reflect on how love relationships have been transformed by the introduction of new technologies and artificial intelligence.