Contradictions in contemporary video games
Óliver Pérez Latorre
We explore the dilemmas currently posed by video games, a means of expression and entertainment that have come to hold a central position in our collective imagination.
Dank memes: the reaction to an unliveable Internet
Albert Lloreta
Emerging from the dawn of the first Internet, today dank memes can be understood as an absurd expression that condenses the spirt of our times and as an expression of fury that boycotts the marketing logic of the Internet.
Rereading Debord
Ingrid Guardiola
A look at today’s hyperconnected society of social media, cognitive capitalism and algorithms through the lens of the work of Guy Debord.
What if the Internet were an ally of linguistic diversity?
Carlos Bajo
Some 54% of the contents on the Internet are in English. We wonder about the rest of the languages, taking as a starting point the case of the African continent, where a third of the world’s languages are spoken and cultural activists take advantage of the digital environment to defend it.
Renata Ávila: “The Internet of creation disappeared. Now we have the Internet of surveillance and control”
Karma Peiró
An interview with this specialist in human rights, technology and freedom of expression to discuss how today’s societies are advancing to the drumbeat of “digital colonialism”.
Orwell in times of facial recognition
Ferran Esteve
George Orwell’s vision of dystopia, "1984", describes situations similar to those of current times and advances ethical dilemmas still difficult to tackle today.
Rethinking the Internet from the cultural sector
The finalists of the Cultural Innovation International Prize offer us different ways of raising awareness and tackling the challenges faced by the Internet.
A more human posthumanism?
Marc Mela
We are immersed in scientific and technological transformations that are affecting the human condition itself. What is the meaning of tendencies such as posthumanism? How should we think about this “afterness”?
Fake news and censorship in Africa
Carlos Bajo
We analyse the particularities of the fake news phenomenon in the African continent: from its instrumentalization by governments to the mobilisation of citizens in favour of an Internet free of censorship and hate speech.
The Bad Pupil
Through artistic practice, the Taller Estampa reflects on the discourse around artificial intelligence.
Android Love
Núria Gómez Gabriel
We reflect on how love relationships have been transformed by the introduction of new technologies and artificial intelligence.
The Authority of the Inscrutable: An Interview with Cathy O’Neil
Carlos Delclós
Conversation with Cathy O'Neil, author of "Weapons of Math Destruction", about the role algorithms have played on the global crisis we are experiencing in recent years.