
Digital technologies are radically changing our lives. We reflect on the use and abuse of technology.


Remember the Human

Albert Lloreta

Reddit, the interface between digital niches and the mainstream, is one of the battle grounds for debates on freedom of expression and toxicity in the era of the great algorithm.



A Geology of Media 

Jussi Parikka | Garnet Hertz

The materiality of media is not limited to economic or technical issues; it has an intimate connection with the soil, the air and nature.


The I in the Internet

Jia Tolentino

The Internet has gone from being a utopia where everything was possible to a place full of angry people obsessed with their own representation



Luxury communism and automation

Ekhi L. de la Granja

Is a world possible where robots do everything, while we simply enjoy life? We consider how automation will affect us, based on the book “Fully Automated Luxury Communism. A Manifesto” by Aaron Bastani.



Anna Pacheco | Efraín Foglia | Felipe G. Gil | Irene Solà | Jorge Carrión | Libby Heaney | Liliana Arroyo | Maria Callís Cabrera | Estampa

We asked different authors to take a free, textual, no-links approach to the idea of disconnection and technology addiction.