Maria Climent Huguet
A Christmas story, a journey back to the roots and to the family, a regression in the midst of the absurdity of everyday life...
Chronopolitics, or the Politics of Time Between Finance and Computing
Andreu Belsunces
How the social experience of time is mediated by the technological advances and financial infrastructures of our society
The update that never ends
Ivan Pintor Iranzo
We take a look at TikTok, an infinite scroll platform where consumption and production are the same thing.
The art of not listening
Ferran Esteve
Ambient music, field recordings and the exploration of silence – three exercises for investigating the constant noise of urban chaos and digital overload
Rereading Debord
Ingrid Guardiola
A look at today’s hyperconnected society of social media, cognitive capitalism and algorithms through the lens of the work of Guy Debord.
Rethinking Time in the Digital Age
Carles Sora
Our experience of time is increasingly mediated by digital devices of all kinds and our everyday timescapes appear to be accelerating exponentially.