Who Saved the Web?
Solana Larsen
Entendre Internet com a bé comú, implica garantir al ciutadans el dret a la lliure expressió, a la privacitat i a l'accés.
The Internet in Latin America
Alan Lazalde
Latin Americans make up 10% of the world's internet users. What do they use the internet for?
The Maker Culture in China (III): Hands-On, for Economic and Social Progress
Sandra Álvaro
The spirit of learning by doing and the free experimentation that characterise maker processes are keys to renewing the idea of “made in China”.
The Maker Culture in China (II): Shanzhai, Emerging Innovation in an Open Manufacturing Ecosystem
Sandra Álvaro
China offers an alternative for taking maker culture out of the field of entertainment and into the market. Shanzhai, a think tank focusing on open innovation.
The Maker Culture in China (I): XinCheJian, a Chinese-style Hackerspace
Sandra Álvaro
XinCheJian is the first hackerspace founded in China, a space where making meets creation.
Africa Recycles and Creates Technology
Carlos Bajo
In the midst of e-waste traffickers, Africans are endeavouring to find ways to breathe new life into these discarded materials.