Technology and Inequality. The Concentration of Wealth in the Digital Economy
Ferran Esteve
The digital economy is not reducing the inequality gap, and may be increasing it. Governments and citizens must prioritize social impact.
The Digital Citizenry Revolution in Africa
Carlos Bajo
Citizens are monitoring elections, challenging dictators, claiming basic rights and building communities. African civil society takes control of digital space.
New Technologies to Face Up To Climate Change
Ferran Adell
With good management and legal and political regulation, the internet and digital culture may significantly reduce the depletion of the natural ecosystem.
Neuromarketing: You Want It, You Just Don’t Know It Yet
Jose Valenzuela Ruiz
Neuromarketing studies the way the brain works in consumer purchasing decisions, particularly the part of the brain that we cannot express rationally.
Rethinking Time in the Digital Age
Carles Sora
Our experience of time is increasingly mediated by digital devices of all kinds and our everyday timescapes appear to be accelerating exponentially.
Mass Surveillance in Latin America
Alan Lazalde
What is the situation like in Latin America in regards to mass surveillance?
Challenges of Privacy
What is the place of privacy within a technophile context? The limits between privacy, anonymity, vigilance and control are indefinite.
The Internet in Latin America
Alan Lazalde
Latin Americans make up 10% of the world's internet users. What do they use the internet for?
The Mass Data Era
The production of mass data is growing unstoppably and this tendency seems to be irreversible in the immediate future.
Cory Doctorow: “Every euro that we spend spying on our kids is a euro we don’t spend on books”
We took the opportunity to interview Cory Doctorow who was here to launch his graphic novel In Real Life as part of the Kosmopolis ongoing programme.
The Maker Culture in China (III): Hands-On, for Economic and Social Progress
Sandra Álvaro
The spirit of learning by doing and the free experimentation that characterise maker processes are keys to renewing the idea of “made in China”.
The Maker Culture in China (II): Shanzhai, Emerging Innovation in an Open Manufacturing Ecosystem
Sandra Álvaro
China offers an alternative for taking maker culture out of the field of entertainment and into the market. Shanzhai, a think tank focusing on open innovation.