Anthropologist and artist
Ezequiel Soriano explores themes related to the internet, folklore and appropriation by means of ethnography, artistic experimentation and post-digital editing. He directs the Artefactos Nativos laboratory, a publishing project with the objective of printing the internet. He has carried out projects of research and experimentation in digital folklore at the Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica, Sala d’Art Jove, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and La Escocesa; and has carried out workshops and non-creative marathons at venues such as Can Felipa, Fabra i Coats, alRaso (UGR) and ArtLibris. He is currently a doctoral researcher in the Mediaccions group (UOC) and is a member of the Radial Radiant collective, resident at La Escocesa (Barcelona).