On 2 October last year we launched the call for entries for the first Cultural Innovation International Prize, a biennial competition created to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the CCCB. Its aim is to stimulate innovation in culture and to recognise the importance of research as an essential element when it comes to exploring new cultural scenarios.
The topic chosen for this first edition is “Audiences”: a vast concept, but one that can be circumscribed, and that is in constant flux. This variability, coupled with the transversality of the disciplines in which “audiences” play a part, generates a field in which to explore, imagine, and construct new models and scenarios.
At CCCBLab we have decided to explore how different personalities from a wide variety of cultural spheres confront this field. In this first clip, Laura Borràs, Xavier Carrillo, Hugh Forrest, Gemma Galdón, Alberto Guijarro, Montecarlo, Enric Pons i Carlos A. Scolari explore the development of audiences in recent years, and talk about these changes using examples or case studies that illustrate it. The core theme of audiences gives rise to a whole series of evaluations, reflections and ideas that touch on the one aspect: audiences will never again be what we have known up to now.
Odisseus | 30 November 2014
Em sembla molt interessant aquest intent d’investigar els nous públics, tot i que potser hi ha gent d’altres àmbits culturals que potser també hi tenen coses a dir. Una altra cosa: per què feu parlar els entrevistats en castellà?
Equip CCCB LAB | 01 December 2014
Gràcies pel teu comentari Odisseus. En les successives entrevistes que preparem la idea és anar parlant amb gent de diversos àmbits culturals, precisament perquè també creiem que poden tenir coses interessants a dir. Quan a la llengua de les entrevistes, la norma que apliquem sempre és deixar escollir a l’entrevistat que respongui amb la llengua que prefereixi, però en tractar-se d’un premi internacional aquest cop hem fet una excepció.
Leo | 02 December 2014
Extremely interesting topic for the contest! Congratulations!
Will you soon put the subtitles in english for the videos? 😉
Equip CCCB LAB | 02 December 2014
Thank you Leo! We are glad you like the videos and the topic. You can find further information on the Cultural Innovation International Prize that deals with this subject here: http://www.innovationcccb.org/en_GB/home
Regarding the videos, since it is an international prize, we will publish them in the original language. thank you for understanding.
patricia | 02 December 2014
Es muy interesante el video y la propuesta. Se deja ver en este video las infinitas formas de manifestarse del público en los diferentes ámbitos. Pero los públicos difieren en todos los países a pesar de la universalidad que encierra la comunicación hoy.
Gracias por esta oportunidad de informarnos acerca de esta convocatoria
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