Mexican singer-songwriter Julieta Venegas (Long Beach, California, 1970) has sold over twelve million records worldwide, but there’s nothing she likes better than holing up with a book under an angle poise in her bedroom. Her photographer parents didn’t let her turn on the television and signed her up at an early age for painting and ballet classes, and she learned classical piano, cello and musical theory, though she soon started listening to Suzanne Vega and David Bowie. And, above all, becoming an intuitive self-taught reader: she started with romantic novels by Corín Tellado, to then see herself reflected in the pages of Jane Eyre. Venegas played with the ska band Tijuana No! at an early age, but it is her highly personal solo career that has made her a foremost Latin artist thanks to records like Limón y sal (2006), Otra cosa (2010) and Algo sucede (2015), which have earned her Grammys, platinum discs and a legion of fans. She is also a tireless activist in causes such as anti- fracking and working as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in Mexico and a member of the Consejo de Ministras de La Mujer de Centroamérica.