Scott Smith: “Barcelona is a good place for innovation”
What does innovation mean? How should we address climate change? What is the future of the internet? Interview with technology consultant, Scott Smith.
Pantalles CCCB. Are you public?
The program includes reflections relations between cultural institutions and audience.
Interview with the winners of the 2015-2015 Cultural Innovation International Prize
The authors of CulTime and Esdevenir Públic give us details about their proposal.
2014-2015 Cultural Innovation International Prize
Videos of the dialogues with the Jury of the Cultural Innovation International Prize, in the activities "Are you public?" in the award ceremony.
Soy Cámara. New Publics
Chapter dedicated to the evolution of the concept “audience”, with the accent on what has been called “new audiences”.
The Evolution of the Concept of Audience (V)
The jury of the 2014-2015 Cultural Innovation International Prize talk about the evolution of the audiences.
The Evolution of the Concept of Audience (IV)
Different experts talk about the audiences that tend to be ignored or overlooked, and try to imagine or predict how audience/s will evolve in the coming years.
The Evolution of the Concept of Audience (III)
Different experts explore the development of audiences from his or her own field and talk about examples or case studies that illustrate this transformation.
The Evolution of the Concept of Audience (II)
Different experts from a wide variety of cultural spheres talk about the audiences that tend to be ignored and imagine how audiences will evolve.
The Evolution of the Concept of Audience (I)
Different experts from a wide variety of cultural spheres explore the development of audiences in recent years using examples or case studies.
Davide Toffolo: “Pasolini’s greatest legacy is his way of confronting reality”
Davide Toffolo talks about him as an author of graphic novels and thinks about the future of culture and his ideal cultural lab.
Innovation in the work of Pasolini
The curators of the exhibition Pasolini Rome, Alain Bergala, Jordi Ballo and Gianni Borgna, talk about experimentation in the work of Pasolini.