Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke
Any advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is distinguished by being powerful.
Any advanced magic is distinguished by being complex to perform.
Anything complex to perform is for specialists or magicians.
Any sufficiently advanced specialist is distinguished by their power.
Any sufficiently advanced power is liable to control others.
Any sufficiently advanced social control uses technology.
Any sufficiently advanced magic must conceal its mode of operation.
Any sufficiently advanced technology tends to be opaque.
Any sufficiently opaque technology tends to be unjust.
Any injustice may appear to be technology or magic, when it is really human design.
Any sufficiently advanced design will aim to be big business.
Any sufficiently advanced business will push people to the side.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Internet is a sufficiently advanced technology that is completely opaque.
Any sufficiently advanced technology that is opaque is a dictatorship.
We demand an Internet that doesn’t seem like magic.
On the Internet we need less magic and more online political culture.