Planetary laboratory
Juan Insua
The quest for knowledge requires a holistic perspective that brings together different disciplines and know-how.
Science and Spirit in the Attention Economy
Juan Insua
Towards an open, systematic and fluid questioning of the ways in which we understand and make worlds.
A short Big History of almost everything
Cristina Sáez
Big History is an attempt to explain, in a unified way, the history of the cosmos, the Earth, life and humanity based on science and the scientific method.
Feynman and Zorthian: a Third-Culture Friendship
Guillermo Orts-Gil
The history of friendship between physicist and artist taught the scientist about the importance of experimentation and shows that science, art and creativity do not fight but rather enhance each other.
Science with a Conscience: for a Plural Culture
Jordi Mir Garcia | Salvador López Arnal
The third culture, inhabited by the best scientific, humanistic and artistic knowledge, a key element in the work of Francisco Fernández Buey.