Fahrenheit 212. The Gaseous Society
Carlos A. Scolari
The metaphor of gas is the one which best represents today’s society, a constantly shifting environment with millions of colliding molecules.
Human Needs (Earthling Reflection)
Carmen Madorrán Ayerra
How can we define a good life able to satisfy our needs without overreaching our ecological limits?
Nkosikhona Swartbooi: “The city is worried about getting people to work early, but not about when they get home”
João França
We talk to Nkosikhona Swartbooi, founder member of Reclaim the City, a collective that fights housing segregation in Cape Town.
The Wealth of Networks
Mayo Fuster Morell
A review of the book The Wealth of Networks. How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom by Yochai Benkler.