

Artificial Emotion

Ferran Esteve

As the physical and digital worlds converge, new types of emotional relationships are emerging between humans and machines.


The Spiritual Cyborg

Erik Davis

Faced with the ideological domination of reductionist science and the sociocultural domination of its technological advances, what is left of humanism?



Luxury communism and automation

Ekhi L. de la Granja

Is a world possible where robots do everything, while we simply enjoy life? We consider how automation will affect us, based on the book “Fully Automated Luxury Communism. A Manifesto” by Aaron Bastani.


Android Love

Núria Gómez Gabriel

We reflect on how love relationships have been transformed by the introduction of new technologies and artificial intelligence.


The Book to Come

Javier Celaya

Artificial intelligence, big data, and virtual reality are set to change the book world over the next ten years.