The Internet Regime
Carlos Delclós
The internet functions as a global structure of governance and control that influences politics, culture, the economy and spatial organisation.
Gaseous Politics
Carlos A. Scolari
Politics tends to be increasingly constructed through social media and other environments where snack culture is generated, circulated and consumed.
Cas Mudde: “The far right is normalised”
Andreu Barnils
We talk to the Dutch political scientist about the characteristics and strategies of today’s extreme right.
Tania Bruguera: “We are being cut off from the possibility of thinking about what has not yet happened”
Oriol Fontdevila
We talk with the Cuban artist about the tensions between art and politics and the ability to imagine new institutions.
Chronopolitics, or the Politics of Time Between Finance and Computing
Andreu Belsunces
How the social experience of time is mediated by the technological advances and financial infrastructures of our society
Iconographies of the Pandemic
Ivan Pintor Iranzo
We review the visual symptoms of the pandemic, its representation by individuals, politicians, media and the entertainment sector, and the dilemma posed by combining these with the personalised tracking of the population.
Pedro Inoue: “The innocent bystander no longer exists”
Felipe G. Gil
We talk with the creative director of the magazine Adbusters who dissects the relationships between narrative and politics, science fiction and reality, and the left and pop culture.
Memes and Strange Politics
Jaron Rowan
Emerging from the tension between the political and politics is a form of aesthetic expression that renews the debate in the public sphere.
Ageing Democracies?
Carlos Delclós | Susana Arias
Political Participation and Cultural Values among the Elderly in Europe