Presenting evidence in public
Franc Camps-Febrer
We look at the cases of Bellingcat and Forensic Architectures, two approaches to digital culture that attempt to rescue critical thinking through the use of open-source tools from the attention economy.
Open Mapping in Africa: Community Spirit and the Common Good
Carlos Bajo
Open mapping communities in Africa show how it is possible, through open data, to contribute to social development in places that government and businesses do not reach.
Institutions of the Future
Charles Beckett
The internet allows public institutions to become more transparent and porous, but the transformation has only just begun.
Digital Transformation in Cultural Organisations
Charles Beckett
What opportunities does it present, and what are the challenges facing cultural organisations as they adapt to meet the needs of audiences in the 21st century?
New Technologies to Face Up To Climate Change
Ferran Adell
With good management and legal and political regulation, the internet and digital culture may significantly reduce the depletion of the natural ecosystem.
Wikidata: The New Rosetta Stone
Àlex Hinojo
Wikidata is a new step forward in the democratisation of access to information.
III Data Journalism and Open Data Conference
Videos from the Data Journalism and Open Data Conference lectures hold at CCCB on June 5th 2015.
_Big Bang Data
José Luis de Vicente
_BIG BANG DATA is an exhibition about the ‘datafication’ of the world curated by José Luis de Vicente and Olga Subirós with ZZZINC activities management.
If It’s Transparent, It’s Better
Mara Balestrini
For the cultural institutions, offering open data may become a new form of dialogue that promotes commitment and innovation.
I Data Journalism and Open Data Conference
Data Journalism offers readers data visualisation and processing in order to explain the news in a clear and understandable way.