When The Brain Sleeps
Marta Consuegra
Advances in neuroscience have improved our understanding of sleep and its importance for physical and mental functioning.
Anil Seth: “Reality is a controlled hallucination”
Sònia Hernández
A conversation with the neuroscientist about the nature of consciousness, how it can be studied and the implications of understanding it.
Tentacular brains, the sadness of a ficus and the limits of anthropocentrism
Jose Valenzuela Ruiz
How can we understand the idea of intelligence in a plant or an octopus by means of our human consciousness?
Geek Minds
Jose Valenzuela Ruiz
We try to understand the secrets of the geek mind through neuroscience. Why are geeks so passionate about narrative universes?
Neuroeducation and War Video Games
Eduardo Salvador Acevedo
We need awareness and education in critical consumption, as promotors of culture of peace, human values and nonviolence.
Neuromarketing: You Want It, You Just Don’t Know It Yet
Jose Valenzuela Ruiz
Neuromarketing studies the way the brain works in consumer purchasing decisions, particularly the part of the brain that we cannot express rationally.
Science Fiction Culture
Jose Valenzuela Ruiz
Science fiction allows us to lose ourselves in extraordinary stories and at the same time learn about science and culture in an entertaining way.
The Year of Neuroscience: debates on the human brain
Henry Markram, Michael S. Gazzaniga, Francisco Rubia and Kathinka Evers talk about consciousness, free will, neuroethics, empathy and collective intelligence.