Internet and the Palaces of the People
César Rendueles
The crisis of neoliberalism has highlighted the failed promises of material and personal development offered up by technology.
Ramon Llull and Network Thinking
Anna Punsoda
What is the Arts Magna? What was the reach of Ramon Llull’s logical-conceptual system? What language did it speak? What world could be created on that basis?
The Keys of Bitcoin and Blockchain
Alan Lazalde
Bitcoin and Blockchain are a new generation of internet systems that eliminates middlemen, financial services that are fairer, transparent and accessible.
The Wealth of Networks
Mayo Fuster Morell
A review of the book The Wealth of Networks. How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom by Yochai Benkler.
(In)Net: in the Mirage of Social Networks
Mª Ángeles Cabré
Are social networks a new tool for women’s empowerment? Or are they incapable of deactivating the mechanisms of inequality?
P2Pvalue. Collaborative Production Online
How does value work in the emerging organisational forms? What conditions favour online collaborative production?
The Geopolitics of the Internet
Marcus Hurst
The laying of the cables that make the Internet a global network raise geopolitical issues similar to those that are at stake in the case of oil pipelines.
The Subjective Community
Daniel Granados
We have seen the emergence of many attempts to create communal spaces as new autonomous models that offer an alternative to the existing institutional framework
What is Insect Media?
Jussi Parikka
Insects are a reference of network culture, from talk of hive minds and distributed networks to algorithms that function like ant colonies.