The Echo of Medieval Philosophies and Mysticisms in Today’s World
Georgina Rabassó
We trace the philosophical, spiritual and creative footprints of medieval women authors who often remain on the fringes of hegemonic culture.
The Power of Wonder
Juan Insua
Notes on the progressive loss of the primordial human ability to feel wonder – one of the keys to creativity and hope.
A short Big History of almost everything
Cristina Sáez
Big History is an attempt to explain, in a unified way, the history of the cosmos, the Earth, life and humanity based on science and the scientific method.
General Theory of Rubbish
Agustín Fernández Mallo
On the evolution of culture, now that we are living in the post era, where artists and thinkers are recycling the remnants of a society that has come undone.
Data for the Collective Historical Memory
Concha Catalán
Presentation of the Innovation and Human Rights (IHR) centralised database of the victims of the Spanish Civil War and the Franco regime.
But When Did the 21st Century Begin?
Jorge Carrión
Today’s audiovisual representation systems make it more complex to determine which events marked the beginning of the new century.
A History of Novelty
Jorge Carrión
Review of the idea of what we mean by Novelty from the origins of the Western philosophical tradition, through variations and contributions of the concept until what Novelty is today.
A Secret History: Female Computing
Mª Ángeles Cabré
Many women have actively participated in the development of computing and they deserve to be remembered.
The Internet: A History Under Construction
Maria Farràs
This chronology is simply a point of departure for an Open Map of the History of the Internet, and which welcomes all of your contributions.
The Digital Black Hole (DBH)
Luis Ángel Fernández Hermana
It is estimated that around four fifths of the information and knowledge generated on the Internet since its creation has disappeared.
Politicization of art vs aestheticization of politics
Gonzalo de Lucas
The main commercial and promotional objectives of the Internet force a multitude of windows that hinder ideological control of the transit of the videos.