N. Katherine Hayles: “We need a more comprehensive view of cognition”
Toni Navarro
The American professor talks to us about posthumanism, AI and the relationship between science and the humanities.
A more human posthumanism?
Marc Mela
We are immersed in scientific and technological transformations that are affecting the human condition itself. What is the meaning of tendencies such as posthumanism? How should we think about this “afterness”?
The Writing and Reading of 21st Century Books
Mariana Eguaras
New forms of content creation and consumption are forcing the publishing industry to redefine its production and distribution model.
Digital Natives: From the Myth to the Reality
Ferran Adell
Today’s students have been in contact with technologies since their early childhood; they are what are known as digital natives.
A school system for everyone
Jaume Funes
The need to change the school system has been on the cards for some time: schools do not teach students how to function in today's world.
Big Data and Digital Humanities: From social computing to the challenges of connected culture
Sandra Álvaro
Big Data applied to the field of cultural production brings the Digital Humanities up against the new challenges of a network-generated data culture.