

Remember the Human

Albert Lloreta

Reddit, the interface between digital niches and the mainstream, is one of the battle grounds for debates on freedom of expression and toxicity in the era of the great algorithm.


An Insolent “Demos”

Ekhi L. de la Granja

We review one of the founding myths of Athenian democracy, the Solon reforms, to reflect on the meaning of equality and the values of contemporary democracy.


The End of Trust?

Ferran Esteve

After decades of recognition and social prestige, the companies of the digital economy are starting to receive criticisms that are questioning their reputation.


Augmented Democracy

Cristina Sáez

In the future, we will be able to automate some of the tasks of government, and have tools that allow us to empower citizens and promote their participation.


Who Saved the Web?

Solana Larsen

Entendre Internet com a bé comú, implica garantir al ciutadans el dret a la lliure expressió, a la privacitat i a l'accés.