Remember the Human
Albert Lloreta
Reddit, the interface between digital niches and the mainstream, is one of the battle grounds for debates on freedom of expression and toxicity in the era of the great algorithm.
Social networks: editing or censorship?
Jorge Carrión
The change in behaviour of big media platforms sparks reflection on the ethical regulation of information.
Henry Giroux: “Those arguing that education should be neutral are really arguing for a version of education in which nobody is accountable”
João França
An interview with founder of critical pedagogy Henry Giroux on the meaning of education, suspicions regarding neutrality and on how current uncertainties could be a driving force to rethink and generate new possibilities.
Saving Cassandra: the Challenges of Disinformation Today
Berta Barbet
A reflection on the dangers and causes of disinformation within a context of lack of certainty and disaffection with the current system.
An Insolent “Demos”
Ekhi L. de la Granja
We review one of the founding myths of Athenian democracy, the Solon reforms, to reflect on the meaning of equality and the values of contemporary democracy.
The End of Trust?
Ferran Esteve
After decades of recognition and social prestige, the companies of the digital economy are starting to receive criticisms that are questioning their reputation.
Augmented Democracy
Cristina Sáez
In the future, we will be able to automate some of the tasks of government, and have tools that allow us to empower citizens and promote their participation.
African Cyberactivism Against Censorship
Carlos Bajo
Africa has been an experimentation laboratory for Internet espionage, censorship and denunciation by civil society alike.
Ageing Democracies?
Carlos Delclós | Susana Arias
Political Participation and Cultural Values among the Elderly in Europe
Technological Sovereignty? Democracy, Data and Governance in the Digital Era
Gemma Galdon
Technological sovereignty must become another pillar on which to gradually construct and consolidate a new technological model that is ethical, responsible and civic.
Who Saved the Web?
Solana Larsen
Entendre Internet com a bé comú, implica garantir al ciutadans el dret a la lliure expressió, a la privacitat i a l'accés.
The Digital Citizenry Revolution in Africa
Carlos Bajo
Citizens are monitoring elections, challenging dictators, claiming basic rights and building communities. African civil society takes control of digital space.