Technological Sovereignty? Democracy, Data and Governance in the Digital Era
Gemma Galdon
Technological sovereignty must become another pillar on which to gradually construct and consolidate a new technological model that is ethical, responsible and civic.
Freedom and Privacy on the Net
Marilín Gonzalo
The exponential growth and control of data is under debate, between the private interests of companies and the rights of users.
Museums and the Web: 20 Years of Debate on Digital Transformation
Lucia Calvo
Digital transformation and organizational change: towards Open Source creation and accessible contents.
Wikidata: The New Rosetta Stone
Àlex Hinojo
Wikidata is a new step forward in the democratisation of access to information.
Challenges of Privacy
What is the place of privacy within a technophile context? The limits between privacy, anonymity, vigilance and control are indefinite.
Data Journalism
Data Journalism is a discipline that offers data visualisation and processing in order to explain the news in a clear and understandable way.
The Mass Data Era
The production of mass data is growing unstoppably and this tendency seems to be irreversible in the immediate future.
III Data Journalism and Open Data Conference
Videos from the Data Journalism and Open Data Conference lectures hold at CCCB on June 5th 2015.
#Museumnext 2014: Be brave, take risks
Clara Bofill
After a decade of museums 2.0, the time has come to become truly digital. But it is also time to find a balance between technophobia and technophilia.
Wearables in Culture. Made-to-Measure Augmented Experiences
Cristina Sáez
Wearables, devices that we wear as we would a t-shirt or a watch, which monitor everything we do, are already starting to make their way into the cultural world.
The City and its Small Data
César Reyes Nájera
What role do small data and interactions in shaping our cities?
The Cambrian Age of Journalism
Karma Peiró
The great challenge now is how to democratise the data processing, so that we as citizens understand the potential of “Big Data” and using it for our interests.