The Sky of The Future
Lucía Salas
The internet is often the only way to access large chunks of a hidden history of film that is in danger of being forgotten.
Digital curatorship or the influencer boom
Maria Farràs | Edgar Riu
As digital collections increase in size, cultural institutions are seeking new forms of organising and taking care of digital contents.
Move a Text, Break Up the House
Imma Ávalos
Subjectivity is now the election and combinatory capacity of the commissioner or the installation's artist in an expression “of second hand"
The lecture-performance
Marc Caellas
This is a call for cultural managers, creators, and audiences to come up with new approaches to renew the genre of the master class.
If it doesn’t spread, it’s dead
Maria Farràs
Overview of the ideas discussed in the book Spreadable Media. Creating value in a Networked Culture by Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford and Joshua Green (2013).