Sharing Economy
Sharing economy is often used to describe economic and social activity involving online transactions. Originally growing out of the open-source community.
Technology and Inequality. The Concentration of Wealth in the Digital Economy
Ferran Esteve
The digital economy is not reducing the inequality gap, and may be increasing it. Governments and citizens must prioritize social impact.
New Political Communities
Jorge Carrión
Not democrat, not republican, not socialist, not capitalist, anarchist or ultraliberal. As I said: new.
Co-creation workshops with open DNA
Enric Senabre
The aim of co-creation workshops with open DNA is to explore different possibilities for building projects and initiatives in connection to the Commons.
Anilla Cultural Latinoamérica Europa. The challenge of continuity
Juan Insua
This post summarizes a common trajectory of the centers involved in Anilla Cultural Latinoamérica-Europa and the challenges faced by their community.
The City, Space, Work and People who Make Things
César Reyes Nájera
The Maker philosophy based on collaborative work, ongoing process, and DIWO is essential for coming up with a new way of organising work.