Open Free Culture
We believe in an open and shared culture. For this reason we reflect on intellectual property, copyright, open access to knowledge...
Rights for authors, publishers and readers
Mariana Eguaras
For five hundred years, intellectual property and copyright have been the cornerstone on which a huge number of business models have been built.
The Digital Closing of the Public Domain
Ignasi Labastida i Juan
In the process of digitalising works, museums, libraries and archives often end up closing or limiting their use.
Co-creation workshops with open DNA
Enric Senabre
The aim of co-creation workshops with open DNA is to explore different possibilities for building projects and initiatives in connection to the Commons.
Co-Creation in Culture: From a Gin and Tonic to Profound Change
Ramon Sangüesa
We discuss co-creation in connection to production and learning, and examine its potential opportunities between cultural institutions and collectives.
If it doesn’t spread, it’s dead
Maria Farràs
Overview of the ideas discussed in the book Spreadable Media. Creating value in a Networked Culture by Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford and Joshua Green (2013).