Reclaiming the internet
Marta G. Franco
A run through the history of the internet, its potentials and downfalls, with an eye on the new paths to be carved out.
Towards a Data Commons
Enric Senabre | Mayo Fuster Morell
Implications for the whole of society of the data policies of collaborative economy platforms.
Institutions of the Future
Charles Beckett
The internet allows public institutions to become more transparent and porous, but the transformation has only just begun.
The Rules of the Game of Platform Cooperativism
Guido Smorto
Legal regulations play a crucial role in the capacity to successfully design and implement cooperative platforms.
The User Experience in Platform Cooperativism
Enric Senabre | Ricard Espelt
Some thoughts on the design of collaborative platforms and reputation systems that make it possible to build trust and solidarity networks.
Sharing Economy
Sharing economy is often used to describe economic and social activity involving online transactions. Originally growing out of the open-source community.
Who Saved the Web?
Solana Larsen
Entendre Internet com a bé comú, implica garantir al ciutadans el dret a la lliure expressió, a la privacitat i a l'accés.
A New Economy: Social, Commons, Feminist, and Environmental
Mayo Fuster Morell
Airbnb, Uber or eBay have popularized the collaborative economy, but where cooperativism is? The concentration of wealth continues in corporations.
The Keys of Bitcoin and Blockchain
Alan Lazalde
Bitcoin and Blockchain are a new generation of internet systems that eliminates middlemen, financial services that are fairer, transparent and accessible.
Technology and Inequality. The Concentration of Wealth in the Digital Economy
Ferran Esteve
The digital economy is not reducing the inequality gap, and may be increasing it. Governments and citizens must prioritize social impact.
Public Innovation: Open, Social, Cultural
Alberto Ortiz de Zárate
The key to public innovation: it adds value to legitimate recipients.
The Wealth of Networks
Mayo Fuster Morell
A review of the book The Wealth of Networks. How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom by Yochai Benkler.