

Reclaiming the internet

Marta G. Franco

A run through the history of the internet, its potentials and downfalls, with an eye on the new paths to be carved out.


Towards a Data Commons

Enric Senabre | Mayo Fuster Morell

Implications for the whole of society of the data policies of collaborative economy platforms.


Institutions of the Future

Charles Beckett

The internet allows public institutions to become more transparent and porous, but the transformation has only just begun.



Sharing Economy

Sharing economy is often used to describe economic and social activity involving online transactions. Originally growing out of the open-source community.


Who Saved the Web?

Solana Larsen

Entendre Internet com a bé comú, implica garantir al ciutadans el dret a la lliure expressió, a la privacitat i a l'accés.


The Wealth of Networks

Mayo Fuster Morell

A review of the book The Wealth of Networks. How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom by Yochai Benkler.