The Sky of The Future
Lucía Salas
The internet is often the only way to access large chunks of a hidden history of film that is in danger of being forgotten.
Speeding up: from podfast to projection
We look at the acceleration of reproduction offered by some digital tools and its relation with the early decades of the cinema.
Why the World Has Become One Big Audio Fiction
Jorge Carrión
Beyond the boom in audio formats, voice and sound could configure a new relationship between humans and machines.
Iconographies of the Pandemic
Ivan Pintor Iranzo
We review the visual symptoms of the pandemic, its representation by individuals, politicians, media and the entertainment sector, and the dilemma posed by combining these with the personalised tracking of the population.
Rereading Debord
Ingrid Guardiola
A look at today’s hyperconnected society of social media, cognitive capitalism and algorithms through the lens of the work of Guy Debord.
But When Did the 21st Century Begin?
Jorge Carrión
Today’s audiovisual representation systems make it more complex to determine which events marked the beginning of the new century.
Björk Digital: a Technological Opera
Carles Sora
Björk’s immersive experience marks a turning point in terms of experiencing music thanks to virtual reality.
From BTV to Betevé. Unpredictable Television
Morrosko Vila-San-Juan
The first phase of BTV represented a new approach to television. Today’s Betevé promises a fresh leap forward, based on a cross-cutting approach and transmedia narrative.
The Lumières of VR: Opportunities and Risks of Immersive Video
Carles Sora
Virtual reality appears to offer extraordinary possibilities, but only time will tell whether we are seeing the birth of a new language or a false promise.
Playing with Reality
Morrosko Vila-San-Juan
Virtual reality and 360-degree video provide immersive experiences that are particularly suited to documentary and news reports.
The Emergence of the Voice
Jorge Carrión
In a world of communications where writing and audiovisual formats prevail, the voice and sound are making their way into the foreground.
In Praise of Brevity
Violeta Blasco | Marcos Prior
An exploration of audiovisual micro-narratives used in the cultural field with a duration three minutes and under.