artificial intelligence


The Bad Pupil


Through artistic practice, the Taller Estampa reflects on the discourse around artificial intelligence.


Android Love

Núria Gómez Gabriel

We reflect on how love relationships have been transformed by the introduction of new technologies and artificial intelligence.


The Singularity

José Ignacio Latorre

Computation’s possibility for self-learning is leading us towards a point of technological singularity where an artificial intelligence, capable of self-improvement, will surpass the limits of human intelligence.


Augmented Democracy

Cristina Sáez

In the future, we will be able to automate some of the tasks of government, and have tools that allow us to empower citizens and promote their participation.


Not Computable

David Casacuberta

Algorithms are not yet able to capture all the nuances of a human decision, so there are some decisions that, for the moment, only we can take.