Image created by Mac Funamizu, reproduced with Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
There are certain terms in the cultural sphere that are beginning to be repeated like mantras. From CCCB Lab we have seen, for example, how the concept of innovation is applied indiscriminately in different areas.
With the concept of augmented reality something similar happens. What are we talking about when we talk about augmented reality? A schematic summary tells us that augmented reality is a veil of real-time mixed reality, understood as information generated by 2.0 devices superimposed on a physical environment.
Meaning: to what we know as the outside world and the information it generates, virtual elements are added with a device-camera, phone, etc…- , to maximize our perception of reality.
This has generated numerous debates about the meaning of reality, the limits on it, just as it happened with the emergence of the concept of virtual reality. But what about applications?
- The emergence of augmented reality creates obvious technological applications already available on mobile devices, third-generation phones and all sorts of gadgets. Hence, commercial and industrial interest.
- So far, the intervention of RA has focused almost exclusively on its artistic applications. Software developers and multimedia artists have acted as precursors leading the way with projects ranging from the merely aesthetic to the questioning of the socio-economic status quo.
- A recently opened field of debate is the media and journalistic voice, probably as an outcome of the first point: the English and American press recently began to explore the consequences of applying augmented reality to the job. What if the availability of instant information could help a journalist to rebut a politician who distorts data in a parliamentary debate simply by pointing a device?
At CCCB Lab we will deal with the development of augmented reality, focusing on its possible applications in the field of exhibitions, and artistic practices in general, not to mention the substantive discussions on the “amplification of reality” which, from genetics to astrophysics-is changing our conception of what surrounds us.
Mara | 09 June 2010
Hola amigos del CCCB! como siempre, encuentro interesantes vuestros posts y aportes. Está bien intentar definir conceptos que se ponen de moda y se convierten en figuritas confusas. Hace un tiempo escribí un post al respecto donde dije que la RA implica el paso hacia una realidad constituida por la hibridación entre lo que normalmente denominamos “real” y “virtual”. La Realidad Aumentada nos permitirá actuar físicamente sobre la información haciendo que las interfaces sean cada vez más transparentes. Dejo aquí mi post como aporte a vustro post: http://transmedial.wordpress.com/2010/01/22/hacia-la-verde-itaca-via-google-earth-sobre-la-promesa-de-la-realidad-aumentada/ y espero que en breve podamos vivir experiencias aumentadas en el CCCB y resignificar esto de “exponer”, “crear” e “interactuar” ;). Saludos! M.
Equip CCCB LAB | 09 June 2010
Gracias por el comentario y por el post!
Mara | 11 June 2010
os dejo otro link interesante! 😉 http://www.readwriteweb.es/analisis/perspectivas-futuro-realidad-aumentada/
Montse | 17 June 2010
Hola a todos!
Manyana se tendra un evento de realidad augmentada en Italia. El evento podra seguirse por streaming (aunque sera en italiano). El programa es muy interesante con presentaciones de posibles utilizos de este nuevo medio. La pagina web es: http://www.iar2010.joinpad.net
Buen evento!
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