Culture Dossier Audience Analysis Museum Analytics. Interviewing Rui GuerraRui Guerra (INTK) talks about Museum Analytics. 25 May 2012 Rui Guerra (INTK) talks about Museum Analytics.All rights of this article reserved by the authorShare ➔ Facebook Twitter Linkedin WhatsApp Email
Culture CultureDossierAudience AnalysisThe knowledge of new audiences makes it necessary to understand their needs and demands. We are still differentiating between physical and virtual audiences. Culture CultureMuseum Next. Interviewing Jim Richardson Culture CultureMuseum Transformation Strategies in the Digital AgeTijana TasichWe explore some of the practical strategies that institutions can learn to boost the success of their change initiatives. Museum Analytics. Interviewing Rui GuerraShare ➔ Facebook Twitter Linkedin WhatsApp Email Museum Analytics. Entrevista a Rui GuerraCultura Aquest lloc web utilitza galetes de tercers perquè tingueu la millor experiència d’usuari. Més informacióD'acord
Culture CultureMuseum Next. Interviewing Jim Richardson Culture CultureMuseum Transformation Strategies in the Digital AgeTijana TasichWe explore some of the practical strategies that institutions can learn to boost the success of their change initiatives. Museum Analytics. Interviewing Rui GuerraShare ➔ Facebook Twitter Linkedin WhatsApp Email Museum Analytics. Entrevista a Rui GuerraCultura Aquest lloc web utilitza galetes de tercers perquè tingueu la millor experiència d’usuari. Més informacióD'acord
Culture CultureMuseum Transformation Strategies in the Digital AgeTijana TasichWe explore some of the practical strategies that institutions can learn to boost the success of their change initiatives. Museum Analytics. Interviewing Rui GuerraShare ➔ Facebook Twitter Linkedin WhatsApp Email Museum Analytics. Entrevista a Rui GuerraCultura Aquest lloc web utilitza galetes de tercers perquè tingueu la millor experiència d’usuari. Més informacióD'acord
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