The third edition of this Data Journalism and Open Data Conference was specialised in data journalism and visualisations of open data for journalistic, scientific and business projects. Sessions were held in parallel in Barcelona, Pamplona and Madrid between 3 and 7 June. The CCCB hosted the sessions on 5 June: a programme of conferences and debates with international experts and a meet-up to share and discover experiences in the local sphere (Hacks&Hackers Barcelona Data & Moritz).
Lecture: “Finodex and the open data business opportunity”
With J. Manrique López, of ASOLIF (Federation of Free Software Enterprises).
Round table: “Open Data, problems and solutions”
With different professionals who are working with Open Data:Luis Ángel Fernández Hermana, David Nogué, Florencia Kliczkowski, Enric Pons, Ignasi Labastida, Marc Garriga, Alexis Culubret, and others.
Lecture: “Telling Stories with Software: News Applications at ProPublica”
With Al Shaw (ProPublica).
Lecture: “ and other experiments: the Italian pathway to data journalism of civic interest, with no Transparency Law and scarce resources”
With Elisabetta Tola (FormicaBlu).
Debate: “Data in newsrooms”
With Jesús Escudero (El Confidencial), Isaac Salvatierra (, Joaquín Castellón (La Sexta) and Ismael Nafría (La Vanguardia). Moderator: Karma Peiró.
Lecture “The Fondo del Agua (Water Fund) investigation or how to humanize data”
With Jesús Escudero (El Confidencial).
Discussion: “The programmer’s perspective. Data at La Nación (Argentina)”
With Juan Elosua (Knight-Mozilla Fellow).
Hacks&Hackers Barcelona Data + Moritz
Short presentations of different cases of local data journalism cases. Every 5 minutes, meet the protagonists of projects: journalists, programmers and designers who are investigating and visualizing data.
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