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A critical reflection on some contemporary themes: the centrality of work, ecological uncertainty, digitalised love and some possible scenarios for thinking about collapse. A selection of texts curated by Anna Pacheco for the exhibition Graphic Constellation. Young Women Authors of Avent-garde Comics (2 December – 14 May 2023).
All Films Are the Same
Anna Pazos
In these times of mass media production, cultural products seem to have lost the ability to leave a mark.
Lorem Ipsum, or Towards a Cultural Luddism
Yaiza Berrocal
In what ways is it possible to subvert the dynamics of the culture industry embedded within a market society?
Andrea Abreu
Are we talking about the end of love while being more obsessed than ever with loving?
A Welcoming Apocalypse
Alba Muñoz
The end of the world began to excite me in a way that was theoretical and perverse – it was like sucking on a never-ending sweet.
Living life as “content”
Joana Girona
On the subversion of identity on social media, algorithms that act as your mum, micro-labels on TikTok and online individualism.