In the Feminine
Whether as protagonists, creators or audience, women have always been under-represented in the cultural world. We investigate the practices that may revert this inequality from a feminist perspective.
The Precarious Individual. Cultural Workers in the Digital Era
Remedios Zafra
Cultural capitalism is fuelled by the enthusiasm of those who seek to earn a living from research and creativity in cultural or academic occupations.
Putting Diversity into Cultural Heritage
Cira Pérez
Can cultural institutions help to redefine our heritage from a multicultural perspective?
“Do women have to be naked to get into the Met. Museum? Less than 4% of the artists in the Modern Art sections are women, but 76% of the nudes are female.”
Female Public/s: Side B of Culture
Mª Ángeles Cabré
The fact is that in spite of their large numbers, women in culture function as minorities, like what Nancy Fraser dubbed “subaltern counterpublics”.
(In)Net: in the Mirage of Social Networks
Mª Ángeles Cabré
Are social networks a new tool for women’s empowerment? Or are they incapable of deactivating the mechanisms of inequality?
“Good girls go to heaven but bad girls go everywhere.”
A Secret History: Female Computing
Mª Ángeles Cabré
Many women have actively participated in the development of computing and they deserve to be remembered.
What Gender Owes to Grammar
Yannick Chevalier | Christine Planté
Linguistic analysis and the study of language use is thus a necessary step in understanding how the social organisation of sex relations is perpetuated.