
We explore the importance of narratives in an era of information overabundance and massive content creation.


Designing between truth and fiction

Oriol Arnedo Casas

In the throes of the post-truth era, a new generation of designers have started to use fiction in their creative work as a means for speculating about the nature of the reality that surrounds us.


Lateral Approaches to Video Games

Adrià Pujol Cruells | Marta Salicrú | Lucía Lijtmaer | María García Vera

We invite an anthropologist, a journalist, a writer, and a performer to share their views of the world of video games.


Shall We Play a Game?

Inés Macpherson

We explore the relationships between science fiction and video games, two narrative forms with a great capacity for imagining new universes.


Iconographies of the Pandemic

Ivan Pintor Iranzo

We review the visual symptoms of the pandemic, its representation by individuals, politicians, media and the entertainment sector, and the dilemma posed by combining these with the personalised tracking of the population.