Verónica Gerber Bicecci and the language to come
Iván de la Nuez
Creator Verónica Gerber Bicecci composes a theory about the language of the future that emanates from the intersection between literature and art.
The series that explore Mars
We take a look at the main recent series to have explored Mars.
Designing between truth and fiction
Oriol Arnedo Casas
In the throes of the post-truth era, a new generation of designers have started to use fiction in their creative work as a means for speculating about the nature of the reality that surrounds us.
“The War of the Worlds” – The Transmedia Invasion
Carlos A. Scolari
We take a look at how H. G. Wells’s novel has grown into a transmedia narrative world that encompasses different media and forms of expression.
Personal diaries in times of “extimacy”
Albert Forns
In these times of social media and constant public display, what place is left for diaries?
Rimini Protokoll: “There’s not such a big difference between us and the audience”
Andreu Gomila
We talk with the trio of stage directors behind Rimini Protokoll, an avant-garde German company that has pushed theatre beyond its boundaries.
Lateral Approaches to Video Games
Adrià Pujol Cruells | Marta Salicrú | Lucía Lijtmaer | María García Vera
We invite an anthropologist, a journalist, a writer, and a performer to share their views of the world of video games.
Shall We Play a Game?
Inés Macpherson
We explore the relationships between science fiction and video games, two narrative forms with a great capacity for imagining new universes.
Graphs, Expectations and Inventing the Future
Andreu Belsunces
Visualizations contribute to creating our social imaginaries and expectations, and therefore have an impact on the construction of future realities.
Literature and Music Are Part of Me
Julieta Venegas
Singer-songwriter reflects on creative processes, the relationship between music and literature, and autofiction.
Why the World Has Become One Big Audio Fiction
Jorge Carrión
Beyond the boom in audio formats, voice and sound could configure a new relationship between humans and machines.
Iconographies of the Pandemic
Ivan Pintor Iranzo
We review the visual symptoms of the pandemic, its representation by individuals, politicians, media and the entertainment sector, and the dilemma posed by combining these with the personalised tracking of the population.