A Geology of Media
Jussi Parikka | Garnet Hertz
The materiality of media is not limited to economic or technical issues; it has an intimate connection with the soil, the air and nature.
Terraforming the Earth, Redesigning the World
Toni Navarro
Climate emergency is forcing us to harness our ability to intervene in planetary processes and direct it at repairing the damage caused to the planet.
The accelerationist noise of petro-masculinity
Arnau Horta
The authoritarian exaltation of the combustion engine by certain male sectors is seen as an accelerationist statement of intent.
Reimagining the human-virus entanglement
Ignasi Torrent
Away from human-centred forms of knowledge production, the pandemic opens up the possibility of speculation about more-than-human forms of storytelling
We bring together different voices that are searching for new ways of conceiving of humanity and its relation with the ecosystems of which it forms part, taking into account the complexity and richness of plant and animal intelligences, and of artificial intelligence.
De-centred Humanity II
Elisabet Roselló
Theories such as actor-network theory, flat or object-oriented ontologies and hyperobjects, question the central role of human beings in the conception of the classic natural order.
Ideas to resist
Víctor Recort | Berta Gómez Santo Tomás | Albert Lloreta | João França | Joana Moll | Tania Adam | Lucas Ramada Prieto | Toni Navarro | Míriam Hatibi
Some inspiration to lift our mood during the days of confinement we’re experiencing in certain parts of the world.
De-centred Humanity I
Elisabet Roselló
On the need for considering new world visions geared towards a resilience and a more adequate position at this planetary time.
Luxury communism and automation
Ekhi L. de la Granja
Is a world possible where robots do everything, while we simply enjoy life? We consider how automation will affect us, based on the book “Fully Automated Luxury Communism. A Manifesto” by Aaron Bastani.
Paul Mason: “Information technology is going to erode the need for work”
Carlos Delclós
A conversation with this journalist, who is a specialist in economics and the author of “Postcapitalism”, which looks at the structural changes of our economic system and the real possibilities of imagining a world beyond it.
Rosi Braidotti: “What is necessary is a radical transformation, following the bases of feminism, anti-racism and anti-fascism”
Iu Andrés
A talk with the philosopher and humanist about what it means to be human in a changing world, where new forms of capitalism are marking out the future of what we are and what we will become.